
Tyrion lannister quotes bastard
Tyrion lannister quotes bastard

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

"Casterly Rock is an impregnable fortress. Tyrion, being very Tyrion when plotting an attack: Sansa, to Littlefinger after he warns her that the person who killed her mother, father, and brother is dangerous: You make me feel like I'm failing at brooding over failure."ĭany, to Jon regarding Tyrion's chattiness: "You look a lot better brooding than I do. Tyrion, to Jon while brooding over his failure to predict the Greyjoy attack: "Make sure the guards change the torches every few hours. when the war is won."Ĭersei, to Qyburn after poisoning Ellaria's daughter: In Daenerys Targaryen."Ī truth bomb for Theon, after he says he tried to save his sister:Ĭersei, to Euron deftly and publicly curving out of some presumptuous hanky-panky: Not in any gods, not in myths and legends. Do you know what kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. I've been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. "So many men have tried to kill me, I don't remember all their names. Jon, to Dany regarding the dragons and Dothraki at Dragonstone: Missandei: You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.ĭavos: This is Jon Snow. Missandei and Davos, introducing Jon Snow and Dany: "Give us common folk one taste of power, we're like the lion who tasted man. Varys, to Melisandre after she says she's done whispering into Jon Snow's ear: Tyrion, to Jon regarding the dragons flying overhead: To be honest, I was drunk for most of it." Tyrion, to Jon about how he became Dany's hand: "Touch my sister, and I'll kill you myself."Įuron, to Theon after he kidnaps his sister: Jon Snow, presenting a not-so-subtle threat to Littlefinger: I knew your father, I was with him when he died.

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

My name is Samwell Tarly, Sworn Brother of the Night's Watch, training to serve as Maester at Castle Black. "You're Jorah Mormont, the only son of Jeor Mormont. Be a dragon."Ĭersei, to Qyburn regarding Robert's dragon skulls: "I am not here to be Queen of the Ashes." Jorah, to Sam declining the offer to send word to his family about his Greyscale:ĭany, explaining why she doesn't want to storm King's Landing with her dragons: Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn."ĭany, to Tyrion when Melisandre's prophecy is properly translated: Melisandre, revealing a prophecy to Dany: Because I know the people have no better chance than you." I will dedicate myself to seeing you on the Iron Throne, because I choose you. But if you let me live, I will serve you well. Grey Worm can behead me or your dragons can devour me. If you demand blind allegiance, I respect your wishes. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. You wish to know where my true loyalties lie? Not with any king or queen, but with the people. When I was a child, I lived in alleys, gutters, abandoned houses. I was sold as a slave and carved up as an offering. As long as I have my eyes, I'll use them. "Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. Varys, explaining his modus operandi to Dany: Sam, telling all the old people that their poops stink at the Citadel: We're the last Lannisters, the last ones who count."Įuron, on not mourning the death of his relatives:Įuron, to Cersei regarding killing brothers: I did! But they're ashes now and we're still flesh and blood. "Should we spend our days mourning the dead - mother, father, and all our children? I loved them. Enemies to the north: Ned Stark's bastard has been named King of the North, and that murdering whore Sansa stands beside him. Enemies to the west: Olenna, the old cunt, another traitor. Enemies to the south: Ellaria Sand and her brood of bitches. And I don't need your permission to defend the North."Ĭersei, to Jaime about all their friends: But I am every bit as much a Northerner as you. "I don't plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me. Lyanna Mormont to Lord Glover about her fighting abilities: When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers.

tyrion lannister quotes bastard

"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe. Arya, after killing the remaining Frey men:

Tyrion lannister quotes bastard